Accredited Prior Learning

Accredited Prior Learning

An application for Accreditation of Prior Learning can:

  • Consider other nationally and internationally recognised professional awards.
  • Recognise training and assessment schemes other than British Canoeing’s

APL can allow you to access your development pathway at the most appropriate point to you. 

We recognise that in some instances aspirant coaches or coaches progressing to new qualifications will have prior experience that may enable them to progress to a higher level with holding all of the stated prerequisites. 

If you feel you have experience that can be accredited as prior experience refer to the Accredited Prior Learning (APL) notes below. APL is used mainly to allow coaches access to a British Canoeing training or assessment course where the do not hold the specific prerequisite for that award or role, but hold something else equitable. APL cannot be used to gain an award without successfully completing an assessment. 

The APL Service is free to members, £25 for non members, and will consider other nationally recognised, professional awards, where they are identifiable as being of equal or higher standard.

The APL process has been reviewed and we now offer a more streamlined and efficient process, so candidates should receive a quicker response and can progress their coaching qualifications. There will no longer be monthly meetings of a UK panel, each National Association will make a decision based on the evidence supplied.

APL Policy

How to apply:

To apply for APL please log in to the online portal and complete the application. Click here for instructions.

Your application form must provide clear description of what you want to achieve and how you have met those learnings in your other development.

References are no longer a compulsory aspect of the application process. We will contact you if  references are required as part of the consideration.

BC Guidance on alternatives for navigation and safety

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